Wednesday, October 31, 2007

We have a celebrity in our midst!

Yes, it's the always-fabulous Hannah Montana!

And this get-up cost me a grand total of $1.

She already had the shirt ($4 from The Childrens Place) and skirt ($5 from The Childrens Place) and the boots ($3 from my favorite local resale shop). The scarf is mine, and all the jewelry is hers.

And we contrived this get-up about 7:00 p.m. last night.

She came home from school and I met her and Jason at home to change her into it, because the dance teacher told them they could come dressed up today. Also in her class: a Barbie cheerleader, a 1920's flapper girl, and a harem girl.

And y'all, as we were driving to the studio, I had a flashback of the whole gypsy-in-church episode from my six-year-old Halloween year. I thought, "What if I misheard the teacher?"

But I didn't mishear.

And it was alright.

And my daughter feels like a million bucks.


Melissa said...

And the boo-boo on her head was courtesy of her table at school yesterday. She came home with a goose egg on her head, and it broke the skin. I guess the teacher didn't see it because her hair was covering her forehead - much like what happened last year when her babysitter's best friend's daughter threw a book at her.

doodlebugmom said...

She is so cute! I would have thought the bandaid was part of the costume.

My youngest is 12, way to old to be caught trick or treating! I miss it!

Valerie said...

she is too freaking cute!! does she have the same moves as Hannah?

Steff said...

Your daughter is so adorable! Very cute indeed. Hopefully she rakes in the goods. :)

Susie Q said...

Okay, just when I think she can not get any cuter, she goes and does it!
Happy Halloweenie to you all!


Anonymous said...

I'm so jealous! I wish I could have seen Hannah Anna Marie Montana!

Melissa said...

I told her that I could call her Anna Montana, and she said that would make a good TV show. Starring her, of course.

And this morning, she said, "You know, we still haven't made that TV show yet."

We'll have to file that one with a couple of years ago, when she flew around the house yelling, "It's the Super Anna Marie Show starring Super Anna Marie Turner!"

Glad she's at least got good self esteem!