Saturday, June 07, 2008

It's serendipity!

So, I didn't make it to Target after church on Wednesday. Did I tell you? My cousin was there at church, and we talked for a bit, so it was a little later than usual when I left.

So, I've been using the wee tiny travel dryer (bless it's heart) since mine caught on fire a few days ago.

So, this morning, it died too! Not such a dramatic death as its larger, better predecessor, but dead nonetheless.

So, today after Anna Marie's rehearsal, and lunch, we went to Target (I'd had an ahem emergency need for a store that sold certain items) and I wandered over to the hair dryer aisle.

Know what I love about Target? They have the dryers out, so you can play with them! A few years ago for Christmas I asked for an ionic dryer, and Jason got me one that was like the mother of all hair dryers - five ceramic heaters! The thing weighed a ton! Ergo, holding a dryer before I commit is a big deal for me.

I didn't want to get another one just like the last - what if the problem I'd experienced was a design flaw? And I knew I wanted an ionic dryer - they're usually quieter and better for your hair. And I knew I wanted a cord keeper, because I don't have much cabinet space and that helps bunches with storage. (And my husband INSISTS that I put away all makeup, hair appliances, etc.,

Then I saw the folding dryers and thought, gee, it'd be nice to have one of those when I travel, or for storage in general. But there wasn't one that was ionic, and a cord keeper, and a folder.

I was about to give up (and in the middle of a cramp) when I saw one in the wrong spot on the shelf. It was the only one, but it was ionic, and a cord keeper, and a folder! I was about to walk to the scanner to see how much it was, when Jason came from the endcap with - wait for it - the same exact one!

How's that for serendipity?

Wait - it gets better - it was priced a full $5 less than the other ones I'd looked at! Score!

I can't wait to use my new dryer tomorrow - it was meant to be, so I bet it'll give me the best styling experience ever!

Or at least, just dry my hair - I guess that will be enough for now.


Valerie said...

thank heavens. nothing really goes right when you're not having a good hair day.


Wendster said...


Let's build a hair dryer shrine. We LOVES US A GOOD HAIR DRYER.

And a good curling iron.

Good job!


doodlebugmom said...

very cool how you are your hd are thinking alike!

Wishing you the very best of hair days!

Karen Hossink said...

I love it when things work out like that!!!
And I'm wondering, how does the new dryer work?