Monday, September 24, 2007

Great "Google"-y Moogley

I have no idea whether or not the last word in that title is spelled correctly.


For those of you who have a blog-visit tracking service, like Site Meter, here's an interesting exercise.

Look under the "referrals" and see how people get to your site.

Now, many will come from other blogrolls, or just directly to your site if they know you.

But some will come from Google searches.

Here are seven Google searches from the past few days that have brought people to Melz World. They are by no means the oddest, just the most recent.

1. Amanda back

Now, I must admit, many of the other sites that Google came up with involved Melrose Place, but they mean nothing to me, because I've never watched a single episode of that show.

2. I put happy birthday on the movie theater screen

I have never, ever done that. I've never typed that. How they got that result is beyond me.

Such is the reasoning of Google.

3. Weight Watcher POINTS IHOP Garden Scramble

I get tons of this search. And no, IHOP doesn't seem to post any nutritional information about any of their food.

There's probably a very good reason for that, folks.

4. High School Musical birthday cake

If these folks had any idea how far behind I was on planning something for Anna Marie's impending 6th birthday, they wouldn't be directing folks to this site.

I'm no help whatsoever in that department.

5. Dimetapp carding

Apparently, I'm not the only one this has happened to.

6. Sam's Club gingerbread house kit

No, that kit didn't come from Sam's. Guess someone didn't get the message.

7. What it means to have friends

Well, apparently someone thinks I have the answer to that question!

So, I hereby issue a challenge to you, the blogging public. Check out your Google searches! See what impression you're giving folks!

Then let us know all the sordid details.


doodlebugmom said...

I will have to do this. (or maybe I don't want to know! haha!)


Steff said...

I'm not sure how to do this...just type my blog in google? You know me, I'm computerally challenged. LOL!

Melissa said...

If you have site meter, it's in the "referrals" report.

If you don't have a site meter or a comparable service, I don't know how you'd do it, either!